From Pap Smear to HPV Vaccine: The Cervical Cancer Prevention Industry


Sin Hang Lee, MD (Author) – Director, Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory, Milford, CT, US

Series: Obstetrics and Gynecology Advances; Women’s Issues

DOI: 10.52305/KGUY3866

This book titled “From Pap Smear to HPV Vaccine − the Cervical Cancer Prevention Industry” by Dr. Sin Hang Lee provides a comprehensive analysis of how the HPV industry has invaded and eroded the women’s health care system in the field of cervical cancer prevention. The analysis based on currently available science and public records provides the readers interested in cervical cytopathology, HPV molecular diagnostics and HPV vaccination with a clear understanding of issues and solutions to cervical cancer prevention.
Pap smear screening in the United States was first implemented as an annual test in the late 1940s. Its widespread use for early detection of precancerous cells destined to proceed to invasive carcinoma for timely ablative treatment markedly reduced the morbidity and mortality rates of cervical cancer. No one should die of cervical cancer if every woman continued receiving proper annual Pap smear screening carried out by a team of cytology technologist, pathologist and gynecologist.
However, this teamwork broke down when cytology samples were sent to geographically distant centralized commercial laboratories for screening. Under such business atmosphere, cytology screeners, pathologists and gynecologists hardly speak to one another to discuss any potential diagnostic problems. Overwhelming numbers of unnecessary colposcopic biopsies have been performed on essentially healthy women when “false positive” cytology reports are sent to their gynecologists. However, it is the false-negative results which draw public attention while stories about Pap smear litigation cases are circulated around social media sites when follow-up tests unexpectedly reveal an invasive cancer during the patient’s annual screening.
Further chaos was created after human papillomavirus (HPV) infections were discovered by Dr. Harald zur Hausen to be one of the most important risk factors for developing cervical cancer. A handful of opportunists successfully persuaded the Food and Drug Administration to regulate their HPV assays as cancer tests and anti-HPV vaccines as cancer vaccines so that they can market these products by tapping into the public’s fear of cancer.
Commercial HPV tests detect many reversible cytopathology changes with high viral loads per cell, but are not sensitive enough to detect high-grade precancerous cells with low viral loads per cell. Without performing DNA sequencing, none of these test kits can provide an accurate genotyping for follow-up of persistent HPV infections, a true cancer risk.
This book points out there is no factual evidence that HPV vaccination has prevented a single case of cervical cancer. Using reversible precancerous histologic changes as surrogate endpoints in clinical trials to support the claim of efficacy of HPV vaccination in prevention of cervical cancer is flawed.
Since the HPV vaccine Gardasil relies on using residual HPV L1 gene DNA fragments bound to aluminum salt as the toll-like receptor 9 agonist to boost innate immune response, high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines are generated in the vaccinees. These pro-inflammatory cytokines may cause serious adverse events in genetically and physically predisposed individuals.
Women consumers are advised to read this book before choosing the modalities for cervical cancer prevention to protect their own health and lives as well as those of their loved ones.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Chapter 1. Pap Smear: The Beginning of Cervical Cancer Prevention Initiative

Chapter 2. The Success and Failure of Pap Smear Cytology in Cervical Cancer Prevention

Chapter 3. Replacing Pap Smear with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) DNA Screen Tests

Chapter 4. Flaws of Existent Commercial HPV DNA Test Kits

Chapter 5. Flaws of Using a Virus Vaccine for Cervical Cancer Prevention

Chapter 6. Risks versus Benefits of Mass HPV Vaccination for Cervical Cancer Prevention

Chapter 7. Toll-Like Receptor Agonists in the Pathogenesis of Serious Adverse Events in HPV Vaccination

Chapter 8. The Least Harmful Approach for Cervical Cancer Prevention



“Dr. Sin Hang Lee, former associate professor at Yale University and ex-resident at Cornell University’s Cornell Medical Center, is one of the most excellent virologists in the contemporary global medical community. I recommend his book, titled “From Pap Smear to HPV Vaccine — the Cervical Cancer Prevention Industry,” wholeheartedly. This book should be studied by all university medical professors and students across the world as a sort of the most authoritative “Bible” in the HPV vaccine-associated adverse reaction field because its author, backed by his deep knowledge of molecular biology and vital functions of codons and consequences of its translation and transcription, elucidates reasons and causes of ultra-wide-ranging types of adverse reactions that also show up at recipients of HPV vaccines. READ MORE… -Dr. Harumi Kuno-Sakai, M.D., Former Pediatrics Professor at Tokai University’s School of Medicine

“This book is for those who have eyes to see and the moral constitution to know.” -James Lyons-Weiler, PhD,
The Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge

“This book summarizes different approaches to cervical cancer prevention currently used or proposed to be used in the United States. The author claims that the purpose of this book is to uncover the flaws of some of these approaches so that the readers as informed healthcare consumers can maintain the personal dignity, respect and autonomy they deserve in order to protect their own health and lives and those of their loved ones. After reading through the chapters of the book, this reviewer finds the author has accomplished his mission with ample factual and science-based evidence. Since these approaches to cervical cancer prevention are also widely used around the world, this book is also recommended for readers in other English-speaking countries.” -Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld, MD, FRCP, MaACR, Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune Diseases Sheba Medical Center (Affiliated to Tel-Aviv University), Israel; Past Incumbent of the Laura Schwarz-Kipp Chair for Research of Autoimmune Diseases, Tel-Aviv University, Israel; Editor-in-chief, Autoimmunity Reviews

“I recommend his book wholeheartedly. This book should be studied by all university medical professors and students across the world as a sort of the most authoritative “Bible” in the HPV vaccine-associated adverse reaction field because its author, backed by his deep knowledge of molecular biology and vital functions of codons and consequences of its translation and transcription, elucidates reasons and causes of ultra-wide-ranging types of adverse reactions that also show up at recipients of HPV vaccines. The adverse reactions of HPV vaccines sometimes manifest themselves as extremely serious and painful side-effects affecting recipient girls’ and young women’s central nerve system to the point of devastating and crippling such recipient girls. Some of such girls ended up committing suicide in my country and in other countries too amidst their intense sufferings resulting from HPV vaccine injections and their consequences at their brains and other key portions of the central nerve system.” -Professor Harumi Kuno-Sakai, MD, Former President of the Japanese Society of Clinical Virology; Former Executive Editor-in-Chief, The Clinical Virology; Former pediatrics and public health professor at Tokai University School of Medicine
Ex-immunology researcher at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

“This book should be required reading for every person on the planet. The eminent Dr. Sin Hang Lee takes his readers on a well-documented look inside the creation of a cervical cancer prevention industry. How did physicians mutate from providing patients with a proven safe and effective means of controlling cervical cancer to using methods based on promises from pharmaceutical manufacturers? Are these promises scientifically proven? How did the general public come to trust promises from the medical industrial complex as scientifically proven facts? Who are the real beneficiaries of these transitions? Learning the answers to these questions could save you or someone you love from becoming the next victim of prescriptions for profit.” -Norma Erickson, Founder and President of SaneVax, Inc.

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