Pediatric Cardiac Postoperative Handbook


Series: Surgery – Procedures, Complications, and Results
BISAC: MED085040, MED069000

The Pediatric Cardiac Postoperative Handbook is a practical postoperative manual. It comprises evidence-based literature which also carries daily experience from one of the major centers in pediatric cardiac critical care of São Paulo and Latin America. BP Hospital / Beneficência Portuguesa of São Paulo receives many patients from all over Brazil and performs nearly 400 pediatric cardiac surgeries per year. This publication is destined to attending physicians, fellows, residents, medical students and all multidisciplinary teams involved in pediatric cardiac postoperative care. Discussion is focused on early pediatric cardiac postoperative care. From the surgery to patient’s transference to the ward, which involve drugs, nutrition, ventilation, and frequent complications. We also enhance the most recent advances in the field and, in spite of the limitation to summarize this complex topic, we have tried to be brief and concise. We hope this manual may fulfill the necessities of postoperative care providers and improve the care and outcomes of our patients.
(Imprint: Nova Medicine and Health)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents



Chapter 1. The Importance of Prenatal Diagnosis by Fetal Echocardiography in the Postnatal Management
(Lilian Maria Lopes, MD, PhD, Medical Director, Ecokid Clinics, and others)

Chapter 2. Anesthetic Considerations in Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
(Carolina Passos Diniz, MD, and Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Anesthetist, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 3. Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome
(Denilson Vieira da Cruz and Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Perfusionist, Extracorporeal Technology, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 4. Perioperative Monitoring and Early Cardiac Postoperative Care
(Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Gabriela Fuenmayor, MD, and Mariana de Oliveira Piovesana, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 5. Management of Common Cardiac Postoperative Scenarios
(Gabriela Fuenmayor, MD, and Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 6. Common Postoperative Complications
(Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 7. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
(Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil)

Chapter 8. Cardiac Surgery Postoperative Arrhythmias
(Carla Daina, MD, Joan Sanchez-de-Toledo, MD, and Lucas Saenz, MD, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Vall d’Hebron Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, and others)

Chapter 9. Nutrition in the Critically Ill Patient
(Aline Pessanha Cifolillo, MD, and Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Medical Assistant of Pediatric Nutrology, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 10. Gastrointestinal Function in the Postoperative Care
(Aline Pessanha Cifolillo, MD, and Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Medical assistant of Pediatric Nutrology, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 11. Respiratory Management in the Postoperative Care
(Marcos Cesar Ramos Mello, Mariana Silva Biason Gomes and Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Physical Therapy, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 12. Sedation and Pain Management in the Postoperative Care
(Gabriela Fuenmayor, MD, and Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 13. Acute Kidney Injury in the Postoperative Care
(Olberes Vitor Braga de Andrade, MD, PhD, Luiza do Nascimento Ghizoni Pereira, MD, Andressa Martins Giorjão, MD, Paloma Cals de Albuquerque Gago, MD, Renata Lustosa Garcia de Miranda, MD, and Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Department of Nephrology, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 14. Seizures and Neurological Complications in the Postoperative Care
(Renata Barbosa Paolilo, MD, and Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Department of Neurology, São Paulo University, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 15. Coagulation Disorders and Anticoagulation in the Postoperative Care
(Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Victor Hugo Serafini Volpatto, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 16. Sepsis and Multiorgan Dysfunction in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit
(Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Marcelo Otsuka, MD, and Renata de Lima Gasparre, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 17. Management after Cardiac Catheterization
(Germana Coimbra, MD, Raul Arrieta, MD, PhD, and Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 18. Postoperative Management of Acyanotic Congenital Heart Disease with Increased Pulmonary Blood Flow
(Gabriela Fuenmayor, MD, Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, and Milena Lessa Rocha, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 19. Postoperative Management of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection
(Gabriela Fuenmayor, MD, Karen S. Shiraishi Sawamura, MD, and Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 20. Postoperative Management of Truncus Arteriosus
(Gabriela Fuenmayor, MD, Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, and Beatriz Furlanetto, MD, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 21. Postoperative Management of Transposition of Great Arteries
(Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, and Rodrigo Freire Bezerra, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 22. Postoperative Management of Congenitally Corrected Transposition of Great Arteries
(Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Luciana da Fonseca da Silva, PhD, and José Pedro da Silva, PhD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 23. Postoperative Management of Tetralogy of Fallot
(Karla Loureiro Loss, MD, Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, and Beatriz Furlanetto, MD, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Dr Alzir Bernardino Alves Pediatric Hospital and Maternity, Vitória, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 24. Postoperative Management of Pulmonary Atresia
(Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Mariana Carraro, MD, and Beatriz Furlanetto, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 25. Postoperative Management of Blalock Taussig-Thomas Procedure
(Gabriela Fuenmayor, MD, Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, and Rodrigo Freire Bezerra, MD, Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 26. Postoperative Management of Pulmonary Artery Banding
(Fernanda Soares Carnut Rêgo, MD, Simone Soares Coelho, MD, and Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit. Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 27. Postoperative Management of Ebstein Anomaly
(Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Luciana da Fonseca da Silva, PhD, and José Pedro da Silva, PhD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 28. Postoperative Management of Anomalous Origin of the Coronary Artery
(Gabriela Fuenmayor, MD, Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, and Beatriz Furlanetto, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 29. Postoperative Management of Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction and Obstructive Anomalies of Aortic Arch
(Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Karla Loureiro Loss, MD, and Rodrigo Freire Bezerra, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 30. Postoperative Management in Mitral Valve Surgeries
(Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Karla Loureiro Loss, MD, and Rodrigo Freire Bezerra, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 31. Postoperative Management of Norwood and Hybrid Procedure
(Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Gabriela Fuenmayor, MD, Rodrigo Nieckal da Costa, MD, and Rodrigo Freire Bezerra, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 32. Postoperative Management of Bidirectional Glenn Procedure
(Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, and Rodrigo Freire Bezerra, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 33. Postoperative Management of Total Cavopulmonary Connection
(Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, and Rodrigo Freire Bezerra, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 34. Postoperative Management of Heart Transplantation
(Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil)

Chapter 35. Extracorporeal Life Support
(Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Denilson Vieira da Cruz, and Rodrigo Freire Bezerra, MD, Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)

Chapter 36. Echocardiography in the Postoperative Care
(Maria Elisa Albrecht, MD, Célia Nagamatsu, MD, Gustavo Fávaro, MD, PhD, and Juliana Torres Pacheco, MD, Department of Pediatric Echocardiography, Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, and others)



“Postoperative care of children with heart disease is a complex endeavor with plenty of opportunities for mishaps. Clinical teams taking care of these patients are usually comprised of physicians and nurses with very diverse background and experience. This Pediatric Cardiac Postoperative Handbook addresses the need to provide a concise and practical text for quick reference while at the same time covering the wide palette of issues a provider confronts while taking care of these patients. An ample range of topics is covered, from basic concepts of cardiopulmonary bypass and the resulting systemic response to specific postoperative management of patients with biventricular and single ventricle defects. We believe it will be a much valued resource for novel and experienced clinical providers in the pediatric CICU in the international setting. Dr. Torres Pacheco and the distinguished team at Hospital Beneficencia Portuguesa should be commended for this fantastic achievement.” – Ricardo Munoz, MD, FAAP, FCCM, FACC, Chief, Division of Cardiac Critical Care Medicine, Co-Director, Children’s National Heart Institute, Children’s National Hospital and Alejandro Lopez-Magallon, MD, Senior Cardiologist, Division of Cardiac Critical Care Medicine, Children’s National Hospital.


Attending physicians, fellows, residents, medical students and all multidisciplinary teams involved in pediatric cardiac postoperative care

Keywords: pediatric cardiology, cardiac critical care, postoperative care, cardiac surgery

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