Chapter 16. 100 Years – 100 Cities: Evaluation of Urban Fire Risks


Peter Wagner and Sergei Sokolov
Center of Fire Statistics of CTIF, Berlin, Germany

Part of the book: The Challenges of Disaster Planning, Management, and Resilience


Over the centuries, cities became economic, scientific, administrative, and cultural centers of the countries. This process accelerated significantly in the 20th century. Life in the cities has become very pleasant for their inhabitants. Notwithstanding these manifold benefits of city life, the administrations of urban centers are increasingly confronted with problems: The streets of the cities are suffering from the ever-increasing mass of vehicles. Noise and air pollution are serious health problems for the inhabitants. Housing is scarce in urban centers. The cities grow in height and on the outskirts. The supply of drinking water is a problem in many places. Waste management is a significant organizational and technical challenge for the city administration. One of the most critical issues within the increasingly complex infrastructure of large cities is the safety and security factor. The purpose of the study is to take a closer look at the subject of fire safety. In the last century, cities have experienced a variety of revelations with the introduction of new building materials, new types of buildings, and new ways of using the facilities. As a result, many advances in fire prevention have been made. Nevertheless, the fire danger in the cities is not banished. The chapter uses striking examples to illustrate how urban fire risks have changed in the past. The study aims to use data-based developments in 100 cities worldwide. Next, we show what urbanization and industrialization mean from the point of view of fire safety. Finally, we describe possible solution scenarios for the future.

 Keywords: statistics, fire risks, urban fires, modeling, fire service


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