Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create a blog?

1. Please go to and create an account with us, if you do not already have one.
2. Click on Blogger Dashboard (last option in menu under your name) or go directly to My Blogs (
3. Click on Write a Blog and you’re ready to go!

Once your blog is reviewed and accepted, you will receive a link to see your blog live on our website.

Do you offer eBook collections?

Yes. We offer subject collections, both in digital and print format. Discount pricing is anywhere between 10 to 25%. Please contact for more information. Please state which subjects you are interested in purchasing. We also offer Pick & Choose – books can be purchased in digital or print format or a combination of both. Thank you.

Do you use ONIX?

ONIX is a data format written in XML and used to transmit information about books and related digital products between publishers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers. We provide ONIX feeds to our agents and distributors on a weekly and monthly basis. For more information or if you are interested in receiving on ONIX feed of our titles, please email Louis Maurici at

Why is my book not in Barnes & Nobles?

We provide all our Titles to Barnes & Nobles and similar retailers. It is then up to the bookstore to decide whether or not they would like to have the book available in their bookshops. In generally, since the books we publish are very specialized, our books normally fit better and are more likely to be adopted by more specialized bookstores, such as certain University bookshops. If there is a specific bookshop in which you would like your book included, please contact Lisa Gambino at

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